Coolia is the journal of the Dutch Mycological Society (NMV) and is published four times a year.
By clicking on the desired number of a specific year in the overview of the last ten years, the table of contents of that number is displayed. Articles in volumes two years older than the current year and published after 2008 can be downloaded separately as a PDF file.
Click here for old Coolia's as PDF and articles from 2009 available as PDF
See below to download the Coolia indices. To facilitate overviewability the index has been divided into eleven parts:
In Memoriam
Association announcements
Book reviews (arranged by first author)
Articles (arranged by author)
Special subjects
Determination keys
Colour photographs of mushrooms (arranged by genus name)
Geographical location by “hour plots” (5x5 km squares) (available from 2003 to 2017)
Geographical location by place name (available from 1973)
First find reports for The Netherlands
Index of fungus names (arranged by epitheton)